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Keep a healthy weight


My son once said to me
“Mum, you're really fat.”

Super :

Christy Shum   180 pounds 1 year ago

Mr. Ip :

I used to think I was just a bit chubby, but I was wrong
My BMI was 32. I realised that I was actually overweight

Super :

Ip Chi Ming   220 pounds 1 year ago

Christy :

I tried all the treatments available
Nothing worked
Cut down on salt and sugar, oil and fat
Eat lots of greens and less meat. That’s been good for me!

Mr. Ip:

I watch less TV
and enjoy a walk in the park with my wife instead


Too busy? Making changes is worth it for your health

Mr. Ip:

It only takes a couple of months to shed 20 pounds
Persistence is the key to success


Change your daily habits now!


Keep a healthy weight. If they can do it, so can you.


Keep a healthy weight.
If they can do it, so can you.
Centre for Health Protection     Department of Health

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