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Three landfills and one incinerator - Vincent Ng

Vincent Ng:
Recently there has been talk that
Super: Vincent Ng
Architect  and Urban Designer
Vincent Ng : Hong Kong should quickly build several waste-to-energy incinerators instead of wasting time extending landfills
I would like you to know a basic fact about building such infrastructure in Hong Kong
From planning to construction and then to operation, the incinerator off Shek Kwu Chau
will have taken 22 years to complete
Super: 2000
Feasibility study
Incineration technology review
Site selection
Engineering and environmental impact assessment studies
Environmental impact assessment and town planning approvals
Funding application
To be completed
in 2022
22 years
Vincent Ng : The three landfills in Hong Kong will be full in five years’ time
How can we afford several 22-year waits?
This has been going on for so many years. What are we still waiting for?
Environmental Protection Department
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