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Lead in Drinking Water Incidents

Subject Date
短片截圖 Lead task force findings released 25/09/2015
短片截圖 Blood tests completed soon 10/09/2015
短片截圖 Keep water in your drainage traps 04/09/2015
短片截圖 Filters advised for kindergartens 27/08/2015
短片截圖 5 estates pass water check 20/08/2015
短片截圖 Health advice on lead in drinking water 18/08/2015
短片截圖 Lead found in 2 more estates 13/08/2015
短片截圖 Water inquiry members named 13/08/2015
短片截圖 Lead found at Yan On Estate 07/08/2015
短片截圖 Lead found in 3 more estates 03/08/2015
短片截圖 Blood test service to expand 02/08/2015
短片截圖 Lead found in another estate 29/07/2015
短片截圖 Child assessment a continual process 26/07/2015
短片截圖 Lead in water risk to be studied 25/07/2015
短片截圖 Water filters set for tainted estates 24/07/2015
短片截圖 Lead checks to expand 21/07/2015
短片截圖 12 more estates to be checked 20/07/2015
短片截圖 Estate blood test results normal 19/07/2015
短片截圖 Estate blood test results normal 18/07/2015
短片截圖 Lead task force meeting held 17/07/2015
短片截圖 Impartial body to probe lead taint 17/07/2015
短片截圖 Water safety demo held 16/07/2015
短片截圖 Housing quality control to be probed 16/07/2015
短片截圖 Water at 10 more estates to be tested 15/07/2015
短片截圖 Lead found at Kwai Luen Estate 14/07/2015
短片截圖 Gov't to replace water pipe parts 14/07/2015
短片截圖 Lead found in Kai Ching water 10/07/2015