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Stay alert to traps by financial intermediaries (Web accessible version)

Description of visuals: female owner of a small and medium-sized enterprise is frowning
The phone rings and the female owner answers the call
The fraudster is speaking on the other end
Fraudster: Apply for a bank loan through our intermediary
Description of visuals: The fraudster enters frame and continues to speak
Fraudster: and you’ll get the instant cash you need!
Description of visuals: The female owner is delighted by the offer and looks happy and
relieved as a lifebuoy appears on her
Close-up shows a mobile phone rings
Fraudster: A couple is dining in a restaurant and the man answers the phone
The fraudster speaks on the other end
Description of visuals: Our accounting firm can improve your credit record
Fraudster: The fraudster enters frame and continues to speak
Description of visuals: to get a low-interest loan and clear your credit card debt
Fraudster: The man looks happy and relieved as a lifebuoy appears on him
Description of visuals: Close-up shows a wireless phone rings
Fraudster: Mr Wong
Description of visuals: A husband and his wife are sitting in a living room and the husband answers the phone
The fraudster speaks on the other end
Fraudster: your remortgage is problematic
Description of visuals: The fraudster enters frame and continues to speak
Fraudster: Let me refer you to an intermediary to fix the problem
Description of visuals: The husband and wife look relieved as a lifebuoy appears on each of them
A male narrator speaks
VO: Are they really offering you a lifebuoy?
Description of visuals: The lifebuoys on the husband and wife are not real and start to tighten
Split screen: The fake lifebuoys have tightened on the female owner shown in the upper left corner, the man in the restaurant shown in the upper right corner and the husband and wife shown in the bottom half and they all look very painful
VO: It could be a trap!
Call the Police at once
if you find suspicious intermediaries
Stay alert to traps by intermediaries
Description of visuals: Close-up shows the fraudster is making calls
The shot shows the common defrauding tricks:
Identity theft
Charging fees under different pretexts
Obtaining your property by deception
Description of visuals: On the street, a middle-aged man makes a phone call with his mobile phone
A male narrator speaks
VO: Call the Police at once if you find suspicious intermediaries
Stay alert to traps by intermediaries
Description of visuals: Caption: Stay alert to traps by intermediaries
Web Accessibility Conformance