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Don't pay financial intermediaries if you borrow from a money lender

Unethical financial intermediary (on phone) : Seeking a loan from a money lender?
We can help with only a small intermediary fee!
Super: Dangerous action
Do not imitate
Main male character: Don't trust him!
A money lender's financial intermediaries
cannot charge you any fees
Unethical financial intermediary (on phone) : We won't charge any intermediary fees
but you have to buy into this fund after getting the loan
Profits are guaranteed!
Super: Dangerous action
Do not imitate
Main female character: Don't hand over your money to him!
A money lender's financial intermediaries
cannot ask you to hand over your money to them
Main male character: Check online to verify the financial intermediaries
appointed by money lenders
Super: Verify financial intermediaries appointed
by money lenders at
Main female character: Remind yourself: Money lenders cannot grant you a loan
if you pay financial intermediaries
Don't pay financial intermediaries
if you borrow from a money lender
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
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