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Enhanced regulations on animal trading to protect animal welfare

MVO: To enhance animal welfare
and protect animal and public health
Super: The Public Health (Animals and Birds)
(Trading and Breeding) Regulations
Now In Force
MVO: the amended regulations on animal trading
are now in force
Female citizen A: The regulations state that it is an offence
to sell a dog without a licence or permit from
the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Super: Licence or Permit
Super: Maximum penalty:
Female citizen B: The maximum penalty will be increased to $100,000
Male citizen: Even if the dog is kept as a pet
a licence or permit will be required
Father: Selling a dog to any person
under the age of 16 will also be prohibited
Super: Enhanced regulations on animal trading
to protect animal welfare
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Enquiries: 1823
Daughter: Adoption is another option
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