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Stay vigilant against London Gold-related scams

Middle-aged man: Trust me! Follow all my instructions for investing in London Gold
You’ll get a good return for sure!
Super: Good Return
Small Bet
Sure-fire Winner
Young woman: Let me help you invest!
Open an account and deposit money. We’re ready!
(On the webpage)
Prosperous London Gold Investment
Gold price remains high. Worth a try!
Grasp the opportunity to become a billionaire!
Big money through investment?
London Gold is the best choice!
Matthew Ko: Want to deceive me? It’s not so easy!
Matthew Ko: London Gold is a highly leveraged investment product
Don’t invest if you don’t understand it well
Super: Beware of high leverage risk
(Live streaming platform)
Profit through London Gold investment is guaranteed
Follow me to buy now!
(Comments on live streaming platform)
Sheung Fat: Thanks, Master, for your advice
Keung: A golden opportunity you shouldn’t miss
Matthew Ko: Know the product and its risks well
Don’t take others’ opinion casually
Super: Don’t trust others casually
Matthew Ko: Don’t authorise others to trade for you
Super: Don’t authorise anyone to manage your account
Authorisation Letter
Matthew Ko: or open an account through social media platforms
Super: Don’t open an account through social media platforms
Fake bank account
(Account opening platform)
Prosperous London Gold Investment
Account balance
Matthew Ko: Understand the risk of London Gold investment
Stay vigilant against scams and fraud to prevent loss
Super: Understand the risk of London Gold investment
Stay vigilant against scams and fraud to prevent loss
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
Matthew Ko: Visit the Chin Family website
or call the Police Anti-Scam Helpline 18222 to know more
Super: Chin Family
Anti-Scam Helpline 18222
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