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Stay vigilant against London Gold-related scams (Web accessible version)

Description of visuals:  A man with a pair of “Devil Horns” on his head is facing the camera
Super in the background reads: “Good Return, Small Bet, Sure-fire Winner”
The man faces the camera professionally, he says:
Middle-aged man:  Trust me! Follow all my instructions for investing in London Gold
You’ll get a good return for sure!
Description of visuals:  The scene changes to a coffee shop
The main character Matthew Ko is wearing a checkered shirt
and a pair of plastic glasses
He is watching a video of the same man with “Devil Horns” on his phone
Next, a young lady with a fox tail
snatches away Matthew’s phone and tells him:
Young lady:  Let me help you invest!
Open an account and deposit money. We’re ready!
Description of visuals:  The lady shows Matthew her laptop
which shows a webpage on London Gold Investment
Matthew replies:
Matthew Ko:  Want to deceive me? It’s not so easy!
Description of visuals:  In a puff of smoke, Matthew dramatically transforms
from wearing a checkered shirt and plastic glasses to a smart suit
Also, the background changes to a virtual scene with a lever
The lady with fox tail is sitting on the left side of the lever
looking at her phone
There is a pile of gold coins on the right side of the lever
A special effect tilts the lever and all the gold coins fall into the lady’s phone
from the other side of the lever
Super in the background reads: Beware of high leverage risk
Matthew gives the audience a warning:
Matthew Ko:  London Gold is a highly leveraged investment product
Don’t invest if you don’t understand it well
Description of visuals:  The camera shows a close up of Matthew’s mobile phone
which displays a tutorial video on London Gold investment
The guy with “Devil Horns” is trying to convince others to completely trust
and follow his investment advice
Super in the background reads: Don’t trust others casually
Matthew reminds the audience:
Matthew Ko:  Know the product and its risks well
Don’t take others’ opinion casually
Description of visuals:  The scene returns to the coffee shop
The lady with a fox tail passes Matthew a document
Super in the background reads: Authorisation Letter
Matthew tears up the authorisation letter
Super in the background reads: Don’t authorise anyone to manage your account
Matthew reminds the audience:
Matthew Ko:  Don’t authorise others to trade for you
Description of visuals:  Matthew then turns around and looks at the camera
The camera shows a 2D animation of the phone
The screen displays a merchandising platform for London Gold
with a “register” button on it
It also shows an account balance of 10 million dollars
When the button is pressed
2D animated gold coins keep popping up from the phone
and the account balance drops quickly
Super in the background reads: “Fake bank account”
and “Don’t open an account through social media platforms”
Matthew reminds the audience:
Matthew Ko:  or open an account through social media platforms
Description of visuals:  Next, a slogan pops up next to Matthew
Super in the background reads:
“Understand the risk of London Gold investment
Stay vigilant against scams and fraud to prevent loss”
The logo of Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
appears at the bottom right corner of the screen
Matthew reads the slogan:
Matthew Ko:  Understand the risk of London Gold investment
Stay vigilant against scams and fraud to prevent loss
Description of visuals:  The screen displays the logos of “The Chin Family”
and the “Police Anti-Scam Helpline 18222”
Matthew reminds the audience again. He says:
Matthew Ko:  Visit the Chin Family website
or call the Police Anti-Scam Helpline 18222 to know more

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