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Be a responsible employer, pay wages on time

Employee:  Arriving at school on time
Girlfriend:  It is time to go to the airport
Employee:  Boarding a plane on time
Employee:  How about paying wages?
Accountant:  That must be on time too!
Boss:  An employer who fails to pay wages on time is liable to
a maximum penalty of $350,000 and imprisonment for 3 years
Super:  Penalty $350,000 Imprisonment for 3 Years
Manager:  Directors, managers or responsible persons
may also be similarly liable.
Super:  Directors, managers or responsible
persons may be similarly liable to a penalty for their consent,
connivance or neglect related to
the offences
Accountant:  Knowingly employing staff without the ability
to pay their wages is also unlawful
Boss:  For enquiries, call 2717 1771
Super:  Be a responsible employer
Pay wages on time
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Hotline 2717 1771

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