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Report of unsafe practices and working conditions at workplace

Super:  Only You
Construction Worker: 
(inner voice)  
Why wasn’t the floor opening fenced off or covered?
MVO:  Only you know your workplace well
Warehouse worker: 
He has no licence but was told to operate the forklift truck

Super:  Only You
MVO:  Only you know the unsafe conditions that can cause accidents in your workplace
Kitchen Worker: 
(inner voice)  
Things can go wrong without a machine guard
Construction Worker: 
(inner voice)  
I must lodge a complaint!

Super:  Only You
MVO:  Only you can lodge a complaint so the Labour Department will take prompt action. Only you. Working safely helps them stay happy!

Super:  Only You
MVO:  Besides calling 2542 2172, you can complain through the Labour Department’s homepage
Super:  Occupational Safety and Health
Complaint Hotline: 2542 2172

MVO:  Complaints are kept in strictest confidence
Super:  All complaints are kept in strictest confidence
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