TV Announcement

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Obey the law, Buy employees' compensation insurance

Samuel Kwok (Boss):  When conducting my business
buying or not buying
only depends on my mood!
Stephen Ho (Employee):  However Boss
under the law
regardless of whether
the employees are full-time or part-time
their contract periods or
the length of working hours
employers must buy insurance with
sufficient cover for them
Samuel Kwok (Boss):  How about not buying any?
So what?
Stephen Ho (Employee):  Any employer who fails to comply is liable to
a fine and imprisonment
And we will seek help from the Labour Department
Super:  Maximum Fine of $100,000 and Imprisonment for 2 Years
Complaint Hotline: 2815 2200
LD logo appears till end:  Labour Department Logo
All employees:  Obey the law
Buy employees' compensation insurance
Samuel Kwok (Boss):  That's the right attitude!
I've already bought
employees' compensation insurance
for all of you
Don't you know that?

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