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Reducing Health Risks of Standing at Work

Kitty Chung: 
I’ve been waiting all day for this moment.

Move over! I’m not talking about you!

Get lost!

Go away!

Now this is what I really want!
SUPER:  Fatigue
Sore Muscles
MVO:  Prolonged standing at work at the same area
may cause muscle aches and fatigue

Employers have a duty to provide chairs
based on the work nature and environment
SUPER:  Break after 2 hours 10 mins or
Break after 3 hours 15 mins
MVO:  and arrange sitting breaks for employees
Kitty Chung: 
Thank you!
We support providing chairs for employees
MVO:  Labour Department hotline 2852 4041
SUPER:  Hotline: 2852 4041
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