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Install Electric Water Heaters Properly
Stay Safe Without Worries

Director:  Is the electric water heater in place?
Assistant:  Yes
Director:  Ready…
Lady:  Wait!
Director:  Who is it?
Lady:  A shower head with a valve cannot be used
for this shower storage-type electric water heater
and a valve cannot be installed at the water outlet
Super:  Don't use a shower head with a valve
Don't install a valve at the water outlet
Man:  All electric water heaters installed
at heights of up to 2.25 metres in bathrooms
should be protected by residual current devices
Super:  (Height marking)  2.25m
Protected by a residual current device
Super:  Main Switch
Living Room A/C Unit
Bedroom A/C Unit
Living Room Lighting
Bedroom Lighting
Bathroom & Kitchen Lighting
Electric Water Heater
Residual Current Device
Living Room Socket Outlets
Bedroom Socket Outlets
Kitchen Socket Outlets
Press to test at least quarterly
Lady:  Also remember to employ an electrical contractor registered
with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
to install an electric water heater
Man:  And a designated person as required
by the Water Supplies Department to install water pipes
Super:  Employ a registered electrical contractor to install an electric water heater
Employ a designated person to install water pipes
Director:  Who are they?
Man:  We've come to deliver goods!
Super:  Install Electric Water Heaters Properly
Stay Safe Without Worries
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