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Ensure the Safety of Your Electrical Installations
Conduct Periodic Inspection Every 5 Years

Mother and son: It ran out of power!
Security guard: The building losing power supply is a big deal!
Mother and son: No!
Father: No worries!
According to the Electricity Ordinance, our incorporated owners
must arrange for registered electrical contractors to do inspection
testing and certification
for communal electrical installations every five years
Super: Arrange for Registered Electrical Contractors
to Do Inspection and Testing
Security guard: The Periodic Test Certificate must be submitted to
the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
for endorsement within two weeks from the issuance date of the certificate
Super: Submit the Periodic Test Certificate to the EMSD
for Endorsement Within Two Weeks
Mother: How about if an installation owner fails to
complete the inspection and testing within the five-year period?
Security guard: He will commit an offence
Super: Complete Inspection and Testing
Within Five-Year Period
Super: Ensure the Safety of Your
Electrical Installations
Conduct Periodic Inspection
Every 5 Years
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