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2023 District Council Ordinary Election (Polling Day) (Web accessible version)

Description of visual: At the beginning, there's a man and a mother holding a baby in her arms standing at a bus stop without cover. Scene changes to a male candidate, observing this situation. Voice over says:
FVO: People who are patriotic
Description of visual: Scene changes to the mother using a handkerchief to fan the baby. The male candidate approaches the mother and talks to her. A virtual bus shelter with seats appears in the background. The male candidate points towards the bus shelter's roof, and the mother nods. Voice over says:
FVO: and have an affection for Hong Kong
Description of visual: Scene changes to a skateboard ground. A group of young people of different races are seen skateboarding in the skateboard ground. Scene changes to a female candidate talking to a group of youngsters. Then, she talks to an elderly woman and her granddaughter, as well as a young man belonging to ethnic minorities. A virtual children's playground appears. Voice over says:
FVO: and who are capable and aspire to serve
Description of visual: Scene changes to a park, a person in a wheelchair is seen talking to another female candidate. Then he points towards the stairs, and the female candidate nods. Scene changes to the stairs, where a virtual ramp and a wheelchair on it appears. Voice over says:
FVO: can make our community better
Description of visual: Scene changes. The words “2023 DISTRICT COUNCIL ORDINARY ELECTION” pop out. Voice over says:
FVO: The 2023 District Council Ordinary Election
Description of visual: The words change to “POLLING DAY 10 December”. Voice over says:
FVO: is on December 10
Description of visual: Scene changes to a wheelchair user smiling and moving towards the camera. Voice over says:
FVO: Remember to bring your identity card
Description of visual: Scene changes to a smiling mother holding a baby and then a grandmother with her grandchild, all looking towards the camera. A man smiles as he walks towards the camera. Voice over says:
FVO: and vote for your preferred candidate
Description of visual: Scene changes to a child playing at the park, a female candidate talking to the group of youngsters, two children playing on the slides in a playground, a group of citizens enjoying themselves at a carnival, and a child shooting a ball towards a ball shooting game apparatus. Voice over says:
FVO: Let's build a nice and harmonious community together
Description of visual: Scene changes to a ball shooting game apparatus with a backboard, the words “Cast your vote at DC election for a better community” are printed on the backboard. A ball is then shot into the hoop. Voice over says:
FVO: Cast your vote at DC election for a better community
Description of visual: End frame sees the slogan “Cast your vote at DC election for a better community, 2023 DISTRICT COUNCIL ORDINARY ELECTION, POLLING DAY 10 Dec, enquiries 2891 1001, website, District Council Election logo, and Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau logo”

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