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Safety first and obey the law when attending major events at sea (Web accessible version)

Description of visuals: The opening shot shows a group of friends of different ages, including a child aged under 12. They are taking a selfie on a boat while enjoying the fireworks display. The selfie becomes a photo displayed on a smartphone. A male voiceover says:
VO: Safety is paramount during major events at sea
Description of visuals: Someone swipes across the smartphone screen to view another selfie in which they were enjoying a recent yachting regatta.

Another video on the screen shows a coxswain pointing out the emergency exits and locations of lifejackets to the passengers. A male voiceover says:
VO: Crew members of passenger-carrying vessels
should show emergency exits and locations of lifejackets
Description of visuals: The scene switches to a crew member showing to the passengers the lifejackets for adults and children and demonstrating how to wear them. A male voiceover then says:
VO: and demonstrate how to wear them
Description of visuals: Another scene shows a couple helping their daughter aged under 12 to wear a lifejacket. The father then takes a selfie with his wife and daughter. A male voiceover says:
VO: Adults must ensure children aged 2 to under 12
wear suitable lifejackets throughout the trip
Description of visuals: The shot shows a mother taking a selfie with her baby who is wearing a lifejacket. A male voiceover says:
VO: and decide if infants under 2 should wear them
Description of visuals: A close up shot shows a crew and passenger list. The crew member is taking attendance to confirm the passengers are on board the vessel. A male voiceover says:
VO: Coxswains must keep a passenger and crew list
Description of visuals: The shot shows the group of friends taking another selfie while enjoying the fireworks display. A male voiceover says:
VO: and avoid overloading
Description of visuals: The shot shows the coxswain steering the boat towards the pier. A male voiceover says:
VO: and speeding
Description of visuals: All the passengers disembark at the pier in an orderly manner. A male voiceover says:
VO: Passengers should follow the instructions given by
the Marine Department and the Police when dispersing
Description of visuals: The end shot shows from top to bottom the slogan “Safety first and obey the law when attending major events at sea”, the logos of the Marine Department and the Hong Kong Police Force.

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