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2024 Voter Registration Campaign (Voter registration and update voter registration particulars) (web accessible version)

Description of visuals: The opening shot shows a female university student holding textbooks and walking through a virtual space.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: Hold on!
Description of visuals: The student freezes suddenly, and the textbooks in her hands fly up in the air.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: If you’re eligible but haven’t registered as an elector
Description of visuals: The camera moves from the female student to a young man moving out from his house with cartons holding in hands. The young man then freezes and the voiceover says:
Voiceover: or need to update your address
Description of visuals: The camera moves from the young man to a giant calendar with SUPERS “2024”,
and “June 2” on it. A SUPER “Deadline” is shown next to the calendar.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: remember to submit an application by June 2
Description of visuals: The camera moves from the calendar to a lady in office outfit who freezes while walking forward with a smartphone in one hand and a coffee cup in another.
Next to her shows an “iAM Smart+” logo and a giant smartphone.
The smartphone demonstrates using the “iAM Smart+” mobile application to sign a form before submitting an application.
A “file upload” icon appears atop the smartphone.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: via “iAM Smart+”
Description of visuals: The camera moves from the lady to an active elderly man holding a specified form and crouching on a skateboard,
with SUPERS “Email” , “Post”, “Fax” and “Online” and the corresponding icons shown next to him.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: or by email, post, fax or online
Description of visuals: The camera zooms in to the paper form, which then flies away.
The next shot shows a virtual screen showing a SUPER “Address Proof” and the corresponding icon.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: Remember to provide an address proof and contact details
Description of visuals: The camera moves forward to a tablet showing the Voter Registration website atop a SUPER,
and a smartphone showing the “iAM Smart” app.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: Check your particulars via “iAM Smart” or at
Description of visuals: The camera passes through the two mobile devices to a young man holding a giant inquiry letter while he jumps and freezes in the air.
The letter is issued by the Registration and Electoral Office.
The envelope is with a message in red “Immediate action required.
Your voting right is at stake”.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: If receiving an inquiry letter,
Description of visuals: The camera moves away from the young man.
The next shot appears a giant reply slip of an inquiry letter.
It then folded to show a QR code in the bottom right corner.
SUPERS “QR Code”, “Email”, “Post” and “Fax” and the corresponding icons are shown.
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: reply by scanning the QR code or through other channels
Description of visuals: The camera swiftly moves forward to a giant 3D number “2” with “June” at its bottom in the centre position.
All characters appeared before are walking towards the centre and looking at the giant number “2”.
SUPERS “Register as an Elector”, “Update Registration Particulars”, “Deadline”, “2891 1001”, and are shown, along with the “Voter Registration” and “iAM Smart+”
The voiceover says:
Voiceover: also by June 2! Act Now!

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