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Think twice before you transfer money to anyone

Super: LIFE is full of
Twists and Turns
Subtitles: Life is full of twists and turns
Same as a scam, it always keeps changing
Super: Guess Who Scam
Subtitles: Can you guess who I am?
Super: Romance Scam
Subtitles: I love you with all my heart
Super: Investment Fraud
Subtitles: Low risk, high return
Super: Phishing SMS
Subtitles: Click the link to visit this website
Super: Impersonating Officials
Subtitles: Please pay the bail to…
I am “Mr Lee, Secretary for …” Anything can be forged
Scammers’ tricks are ever-changing
But their purpose remains the same -
to steal your money.
Think twice before you transfer money to anyone
Seek advice before making a decision
If you are in doubt
call 18222 immediately for professional advice
Super: If in doubt,
call the Anti-Scam Helpline
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