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HKSOS guards your journey all the way

Male character B: Compass, check!
Male character C: Map, check!
Female character: I even sent a selfie to my family
All characters: Yay!
Female character and male character A: Ouch!
Male character A: My leg hurts
Super: 999
Male character B: What is the location?
Male character C: The map is too complicated. I can’t read it
Subtitle: Carrying a phone with you is not enough
you need to download the mobile app “HKSOS”
Super: HKSOS App logo
Subtitle: In addition to automatic accident detection
Super: SOS
Subtitle: you or your emergency contact can reach the 999 emergency call centre with just one click
It also provides maps, hiking routes and positioning functions
Super: Maps
Super: Hiking Routes
Super: Positioning Functions
Subtitle: Even without a signal
“HKSOS” can help search and rescue teams find you faster
HKSOS guards your journey all the way
Super: HKSOS App logo
Hong Kong Police Force logo
Emergency Rescue Mobile Application HKSOS

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