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Pilot Rehabilitation Programme for Employees Injured at Work

Foreman: Welcome back!
Worker: Thank you best mate!
Offscreen VO: Ouch!
Offscreen VO: Best mate …
Super: Best mate
VO: The Pilot Rehabilitation Programme has been expanded
Super: The Pilot Rehabilitation Programme for Employees Injured at Work
Super: Case Manager
VO: Apart from the construction industry
VO: it also covers the catering and hotel industry
Super: Catering & Hotel Industry
VO: and the transportation and logistics industry
Super: Transportation & Logistics Industry
VO: Private rehabilitation treatment is provided
VO: while a case manager will follow up and support
Super: Private Doctor
Super: Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy
VO: Only fees at public hospital rates apply
VO: Workers can recover and return to work earlier
Case manager: Work injury rehabilitation, I can help!
Super: Work injury rehabilitation I can help!
Labour Department Logo
Pilot Rehabilitation Programme Logo
Enquiry Line: 2293 7000

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