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Youth Hostel Scheme

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MVO: The Government's Youth Hostel Scheme
is a major youth development initiative
to address the housing needs of working youths
Under the scheme
the Government will fund non-governmental organisations
to build youth hostels or rent hotels
and guesthouses for use as hostels
Po Leung Kuk Lee Shau Kee Youth Oasis
Service Manager
Kendith Cheung:
The Youth Oasis was set up to fulfil the needs of youths
looking for their own private space
It also gives them an environment to achieve self-enrichment
widen their horizons
develop their sense of empathy and contribute to society
Super: Po Leung Kuk Lee Shau Kee Youth Oasis
Service Manager
Kendith Cheung
QR code
Super: HKSAR Regional Emblem
Government-funded programme logo

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