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Report overcharging for water Keep receipts to make things clear

Property agent: Any questions before renting?
Super: Tenant
Prospective tenant: What’s the water charge for this subdivided unit?
Super: Landlord
Landlord: Maybe a few hundred dollars
Property agent: Water overcharging is prohibited
Super: Maximum penalty on
first conviction $10,000
subsequent convictions $25,000
Property agent: With the amended Waterworks Ordinance
landlords shall pay water bills before
Super: Landlords shall pay water bills
before recovering fees from tenants
Property agent: recovering fees from tenants
and give tenants receipts
Super: Landlord Give receipts Tenant
Property agent: and keep copies for two years
Super: Landlords must keep receipt copies for
2 years
Property agent: The Water Supplies Department
can request information from landlords
Super: Provision of false information
Maximum imprisonment for 6 months
Property agent: It’s better to install
the Department’s separate water meters
Super: Install Water Supplies Department’s
separate water meters
Property agent: Report overcharging for water
Keep receipts to make things clear
Super: Report overcharging for water
Keep receipts to make things clear
Inquiry or report hotline
2824 5000
Water Supplies Department logo

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