Performance Pledge

The following sub-divisions can also be contacted regarding their respective schedules of work:

News Sub-division
Chief Information Officer (News)
Tel: 2842 8738
  • The issue of press releases and press photos, and arrangement of press facilities
Digital Media Sub-division
Chief Information Officer (Digital Media)
Tel: 2801 7505
  • Online dissemination of Government information
Overseas Public Relations Sub-division
Chief Information Officer (Overseas Public Relations)
Tel: 2842 8606
  • Assistance to locally based media organisations from outside Hong Kong, visiting journalists and film crews
Publications Sales and Administration Sub-division
Senior Executive Officer
(Publications Sales & Administration)
Tel: 2842 8839
  • Sale of Government publications
Editorial and Internet Resource Section
Principal Information Officer (Editorial)
Tel: 2842 8828
  • Sale of digital photos
  • Distribution of free publications and leaflets
Principal Information Officer (Internet Resource Centre)
Tel: 2842 8848
  • Internet Resource Centre

    Uploading of government information to the specific websites managed by Information Services Department, such as the Information Services Department homepage




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