Archive of TV Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs)
- Don't fall into “space oil drug” traps!
- Vaping “space oil” is same as taking drugs
- Cannabis is a drug (No doubt smoking weed hurts you)
- Cocaine drags you down
- CBD, Not for Me! (Commencement of Law)
- Let's Stand Firm. Knock Drugs Out!
- Cannabis is a drug (Based on a real case)
- Don't be K.O.'d by Ketamine
- Drug trafficking ruins your life. Don't take the bait.
- Enjoy life to the full, Don't let cannabis ruin you
- Don't lose your life to drugs
- Anti-drug 2017 ("Ice" can dissolve your brain!)
- Anti-drug abuse 2016 (Positivity defeats drugs)
- Anti-drug abuse 2016 (Confidence defeats drugs)
- Anti-drug 2015 (Quit Drugs Now)
- Anti-drug 2014 (Seek Help Early)
- Anti-drug 2013 (Friends)
- Anti-drug 2012 (Public and Parents)
- Anti-drug 2012 (Youngsters)
- Anti-drug 2011 (Harm of abusing ketamine)
- Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services
- Harmful Effects of Ice and Cocaine Abuse
- Anti-drug 2010 (Harm of Abusing Thinner and Cough Medicine)
- Anti-drug 2010 (Hands)
- Anti-drug 2010 (Run)
- Anti-drug 2010 (Stand)
- No Drugs 2009 (A heart frozen with guilt)
- No Drugs 2009 (Dealing with the Devil)
- No Drugs 2009 (Sudden Death)
- No Drugs 2009 (Never too late)
- No Drugs 2009 (Sores of life)
- No Drugs (Friend)
- No Drugs (Teacher)
- No Drugs (Doctor's Advice 2)
- No Drugs (Sister)
- No Drugs (Mother)
- No Drugs (Doctor's Advice 1)
- No Drugs (Community)
- Ecstasy is a dead end
- Ketamine is a dead end
- Drugs screw up your life
Basic Law and Constitutional Development
- Learn and embrace the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee
- Theme Song for Promoting the Constitution and the Basic Law “Wings”
- Safeguarding National Security: Basic Law Article 23 Legislation Public Consultation
- The 30th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Basic Law
- 2017: Make it happen!
- 25th anniversary of Basic Law Promulgation
- Your Vote. Gotta have it!
- Your Vote. Don't cast it away.
- Article 45 of the Basic Law (Animation)(II)
- Article 45 of the Basic Law (Animation)(I)
- Article 45 of the Basic Law
- All these flow from the Basic Law (CEPA)
- Patriotic Education (Web accessible version)
- Patriotic Education
- Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Belong to Us All. Let's Respect Them. (Etiquette Version)
- Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Belong to Us All. Let's Respect Them. (General Version)
- Hong Kong SAR | National Anthem (Dedication) March of the Volunteers
- Hong Kong SAR | National Anthem (Collaboration) March of the Volunteers
- Hong Kong SAR | National Anthem (Connection) March of the Volunteers
- National symbols and signs Belong to Us All. Let's Respect Them (Etiquette version)
- National symbols and signs Belong to Us All. Let's Respect Them (General version)
- Uphold National Security Safeguard Our Home
- Respect Different Values Embrace Different Voices
- Respect Different Values Embrace Different Views
- Acceptance of New Arrivals
- Don't pay the price Keep our city clean
- Let's Keep Hong Kong Clean (web accessible version)
- Let's Keep Hong Kong Clean
- Keep the environment clean during grave sweeping
- Don't litter from vehicles
- Keep Hong Kong Clean We Can Do It
- Let's Keep Hong Kong Clean
- Keep Hong Kong Clean
- Appeals During Festive Seasons
- Littering Fixed Penalty Fine
- Automatic scam detection. Together we report deceptions (2)
- Automatic scam detection. Together we report deceptions (1)
- Be aware of the High Risk Alert. Be vigilant when you pay
- Think twice before you transfer money to anyone
- Don't click on SMS suspicious Link
- Spot and Report
- Spot and Report (Web accessible version)
- Guarding Hong Kong
- When in doubt, call Anti-Scam Helpline 18222
- Ending deception starts with you
- Remind those around you. Don't fall for scammers!
- Remember to run, hide and report if you come across a violent attack
- Remember to run, hide and report if you come across a violent attack (Web accessible version)
- Install CCTV Prevent Burglary
- Police Anti-Scam Helpline
- Let’s work together to fight crime and safeguard our city
- Don’t Fall for Tricks Beware of SCAMS
- Verify the caller’s identity. Don’t get conned.
- Let’s work together to fight crime and safeguard our city
- Beware of Online Fraud
- Beware of Telephone Deception
- Anti-shop theft
- Be vigilant against Internet crime
- Beware of Burglaries
- Safeguard Your Possessions
- Mind your belongings
- Beware of Thefts
- Beware of Deceptions
- Take Good Care of Your Own Belongings
- Help the police combat crime (2)
- Help the police combat crime (1)
- Take good care of your belongings
- Beware of Street Deception
- Domestic Burglaries
- Watch Out for Computer Crime
- Join Us to Fight Youth Crime
- Mastering Biliteracy and Trilingualism to Embrace Emerging Opportunities
- Positive Parent Campaign - Hand in hand, connect with love and grow together
- Positive Parent Campaign - Raise your child with love, not excessive competition
- Positive Parent Campaign - Care, encouragement & acceptance are keys to building a positive family
- Education Hub and Cradle of Talent
- Notes on Choosing Private Schools Offering Non-formal Curriculum
- Rainstorm Warning for Schools & Parents
- Diploma of Applied Education (Web accessible version)
- Diploma of Applied Education
- Positive Parent Campaign - Parental Care and Love Help Children Grow Up with Confidence (Web accessible version)
- Positive Parent Campaign - Parental Care and Love Help Children Grow Up with Confidence
- Applied Learning, A valued subject, a door to opportunities
- Discover and Share the Joy of Reading
- Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme
- Non-local Courses in Hong Kong
- Think on a broader plane Unwind and relax
- Vocational and Professional Education and Training Leading you to a promising future
- Vocational and Professional Education and Training Find a career based on your interests
- Vocational and Professional Education and Training Leading you to a professional pathway
- Qualifications Register 2014
- Qualifications Framework 2014
- Respect individual differences Support integrated education
- New Academic Structure – Students’ Role (2011)
- Elder Academies
- New Senior Secondary Academic Structure - Other Learning Experiences
- Continuing Education Fund (2007)
- New Senior Secondary Academic Structure - Parents' Role
- Sunny Day
- Respect Our Teachers
- Rainstorm Warning for Schools and Parents
- All for no feeding! (Web accessible version)
- All for no feeding!
- Phase IV of the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme Fully Implemented
- Carbon Neutrality: Change habits to reduce carbon footprint
- New regulation on disposable plastic products
- Air Quality is Continuously Improving
- Fulfil your duty of care to animals Look after them well (Web accessible version)
- Fulfil your duty of care to animals Look after them well
- Phase IV of the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme
- Public Consultation on the Review of the Air Quality Objectives
- Carbon Neutrality: Change habits to reduce carbon footprint
- HoHoSkips Construction Waste Collection and Recycling Service
- Reducing the use of disposable plastic tableware
- Enhanced Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme
- Practise food minimalism today and be food wise
- Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050
- New grading standards under Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme
- Be considerate to your neighbours Keep the noise down (Web accessible version)
- Be considerate to your neighbours Keep the noise down
- Public Engagement on Control of Single-use Plastics (Web accessible version)
- Public Engagement on Control of Single-use Plastics
- Carbon Neutral@HK
- Public Consultation on the Scheme on Regulation of Disposable Plastic Tableware (Web accessible version)
- Public Consultation on the Scheme on Regulation of Disposable Plastic Tableware
- Save More Recycle More
- EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme (web accessible version)
- EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme
- Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme
- Better IAQ, Better Health
- It's a Glass Bottle Recycling Bin! Don’t Get It Mixed Up!
- Consume Wisely to Conserve Biological Resources
- Food Wise on Commercial & Industrial Sectors
- Check Before Development
- Buying Regulated Electrical Equipment? Take Note
- Dump Less, Save More, Recycle Right (Waste Plastics)
- Recycling hotline for regulated electrical equipment
- No plastic bag, please!
- Control of Endangered Species in Hong Kong (2018)
- Don't Feed Wild Animals and Feral Pigeons
- Support Food Wise Eateries
- Dump Less, Save More, Recycle Right (Waste Paper)
- Community Used Clothes Recycling Bank Scheme
- Air Quality Getting Better
- T ▪ PARK: Energy ▪ Transformation ▪ Community
- Take Your Litter Home
- Be considerate Join the Charter on External Lighting
- Look for the Energy Label. Save Electricity, Save Money
- Waste Less! Rinse and Recycle Glass Bottles (Recycling)
- Waste Less! Rinse and Recycle Glass Bottles (Uses)
- Clean recycling for sustainability
- Energy Saving for All - Save Energy With the Push of a Button!
- Reduce 10% food waste (Home)
- Full Implementation of the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging (Exemption)
- Full Implementation of the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging (Shape)
- Full Implementation of the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging (Retailers)
- Emissions control of LPG and petrol vehicles
- Recycle Clean-Batteries
- Recycle Clean-Lamp
- Recycle Clean-Glass Bottles
- Keeping the shorelines clean 2014
- Three landfills and one incinerator-Vincent Ng
- Three landfills and one incinerator-Dr Chung Shan-shan
- Three landfills and one incinerator-Bernard Chan
- Three landfills and one incinerator-Lam Chiu-ying
- Waste infrastructure
- Food Wise Hong Kong
- Air Quality Health Index
- To take forward Resources Blueprint
- Municipal Solid Waste Charging
- Bring Your Own Bag
- Using Energy-Efficient Lamps
- Keeping the shorelines clean
- Energy saving begins with us
- Green Living - Reduce Wastage
- Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme
- Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Ordinance
- Hong Kong Global Geopark of China (Nature)
- Hong Kong Global Geopark of China (Heritage)
- Integrated Waste Management Facilities (Waste)
- Green Living - Low Carbon Living
- Green Living - Climate change
- Plastic Shopping Bag Levy - Education
- Green Living - Nature
- Green Living - City
- Waste Reduction
- Switch off vehicles' idling engines
- Reduction, Reuse & Recovery of Plastic Shopping Bags
- Green Living (Choice of transportation)
- Green Living (Dressing Green)
- Green Living (dining habits)
- Green Living
- I love Hong Kong! I love green!
- Applying Polluter-pays Principle to Sewage Services
- Air Pollution Control (Volatile Organic Compounds) Regulation
- Simple Wrapping
- Retrofitting Petrol Filling Stations with Vapour Recovery System
- Rechargeable Battery Recycling Programme
- Use less plastic shopping bags
- Energy Saving
- Source Separation of Waste
- The Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme
- No Flytipping
- Reduce Construction Waste
- Show Your Care to Bring Generations Closer Together
- Manage Your Temper Make Parenting Easier (Web accessible version)
- Manage Your Temper Make Parenting Easier
- Put a stop to elder abuse
- LOVE Between Generations Boosts Family Ties
- Don’t let you and your children become victims of domestic violence
- Love and Filial Piety
- Embrace your hopes Cherish your love
- Family gives you strength (2)
- Family gives you strength (1)
- Help stop family violence in your neighbourhood
- Family Education (Commitment) (2)
- Family Education (Love & Care) (2)
- Family Education (Modelling)(2)
- Family Education (Commitment)(1)
- Family Education (Love & Care) (1)
- Family Education (Harmony)
- Family Education (Modelling)(1)
- Be a responsible parent
- Stop all family violence
- Nurturing Families
- Zero Tolerance for Violence Zero Violence against Women
- The Integrated Scheme for Local Domestic Helper
Fire Prevention and Ambulance Service
- Learn the Art of Fire Escape
- The amended Dangerous Goods Ordinance is now in effect (Web accessible version)
- The amended Dangerous Goods Ordinance is now in effect
- Three Basic Skills of Emergency Preparedness
- Prevent Hill Fires
- Follow Advice Save a Life
- Put safety first Refrain from flying sky lanterns
- Fire Safety in Open Kitchen Units
- Compressed Gas Cylinders (Storage)
- Save Lives, Give Way to Ambulances
- Use the Ambulance Service Properly
- Annual Inspection of Fire Service Installations & Ventilation Systems
- In case of fire, don’t forget: Mobile phone, Towel, Door keys
- Smoke can kill Choose the right way
- Ensure fire safety of buildings and licensed premises
- Keep fire service installations in order
- Countryside Protection and Hill Fires Prevention
- Safety Precautions on Conveyance of Cat. 5 Dangerous Goods
- Facilitate Ambulance Crews to Reach and Treat Patients
- Building Fire Safety
- Let's Enhance Household Fire Safety
- Upgrade Fire Safety Measures
- The Fire Services (Fire Hazard Abatement) Regulation (II)
- The Fire Services (Fire Hazard Abatement) Regulation (I)
- Secondhand Smoke Kills
- Choose iodine-rich foods wisely. Use iodised salt instead of regular salt (Web accessible version)
- Choose iodine-rich foods wisely. Use iodised salt instead of regular salt
- Ensure adequate iron intake for better health (Web accessible version)
- Ensure adequate iron intake for better health
- Get tested for HIV (Web accessible version)
- Get tested for HIV
- Shall We Walk and Talk (Web accessible version)
- Shall We Walk and Talk
- Walk Together for Health and Happiness (Web accessible version)
- Walk Together for Health and Happiness
- Safe sleep Sweet dreams (Web accessible version)
- Safe sleep Sweet dreams
- Avoid raw and undercooked food to reduce disease risks
- The Debilitating Effects of Smoking on Women's Health
- Use Antibiotics Properly Always Consult a Doctor
- Elderly Health Care Voucher Pilot Reward Scheme
- Boost Immunity Against Flu, Don't Wait, Get a Jab, Keep Flu Away
- We are all in this together. Quit Now
- Support Organ Donation Register Now
- Support Breastfeeding Employees Foster Inclusive Workplace (Web accessible version)
- Support Breastfeeding Employees Foster Inclusive Workplace
- Vibrant, Healthy and Tobacco-free Hong Kong Public Consultation on Tobacco Control Strategies
- Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme - Shared Use of Vouchers between Spouses
- eHealth - Healthy Future is within Your Grasp
- Keep the pool clean for comfortable and safe swimming
- Seniors, Protect Yourselves
Get Vaccinated Soon - Care for Young Children Get Vaccinated Together
- Smoking Increases the Risk of Stroke
- Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme (50 - 75 years old)
- Primary Healthcare Blueprint
- Alcohol and Calories
- Alcohol and Calories (Web accessible version)
- 10,000 Steps a Day (Web accessible version)
- 10,000 Steps a Day
- Alcohol and Cancer
- Alcohol and Cancer (Web accessible version)
- Prevent the spread of Mpox (also known as monkeypox)
- Boost immunity against flu, don't wait, get a Jab
- Support organ donation Share your wish with your family
- Young children can safely receive Sinovac vaccine
- Young children should get vaccinated
- District Health Centre Scheme (1)
- Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme - Get protected at different stages of life
- Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme - Get protected at different stages of life (Web accessible version)
- eHealth Stage Two Development – Expansion of Sharable Scope
- eHealth Stage Two Development - eHealth Mobile App
- Regular Cervical Screening (2)
- Regular Cervical Screening (1)
- “LeaveHomeSafe” COVID-19 exposure notification mobile app (Web accessible version)
- “LeaveHomeSafe” COVID-19 exposure notification mobile app
- Commencement date for the penalty provision pertaining to the operation of a day procedure centre without a licence
- Do Rapid Antigen Tests Protect Yourself and Others
- Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme (Cancer Prevention)
- Prevent Breast Cancer (Web accessible version)
- Prevent Breast Cancer
- Importance of Annual Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
- EatSmart Restaurant Star+ Campaign
- Breast Awareness (Web accessible version)
- Breast Awareness
- Learn more about skin problems Embrace differences Live in Harmony
- Smoking causes Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Move for Health Every Day (Web accessible version)
- Move for Health Every Day
- Move for the environment.Move for happiness (Web accessible version)
- Move for the environment.Move for happiness
- Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance – Commencement of First Batch of Licences
- Population Health Survey (PHS) 2020 by Department of Health (Web accessible version)
- Population Health Survey (PHS) 2020 by Department of Health
- Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme (Web accessible version)
- Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme
- Vaccination Subsidy Scheme (Seasonal Influenza Vaccination)
- CE's appeal to public in fight against COVID-19
- Clean your hands Prevent infection
- Smoking causes many cancers, quit now!
- Health advice for the prevention of Pneumonia and Respiratory Tract Infection
- Prevent spread of diseases Maintain drain pipes properly
- Prevention of Pneumonia and Respiratory Tract Infection
- Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance – Applications for Day Procedure Centre Licences
- Early HIV treatment for a healthy life
- Prevention of Viral Gastroenteritis
- Let's get influenza vaccination. Protect yourself and others
- Make Good Use of Elderly Health Care Vouchers (Web accessible version)
- Make Good Use of Elderly Health Care Vouchers
- "Salt/Sugar" Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products
- Exercise For Half An Hour Every Day
- Why Elderly People Should Receive Pneumococcal Vaccination
- Say No to Heated Tobacco Products and Electronic Cigarettes!
- Anti-mosquito measures (general public and property management companies)
- Prevention of Measles
- 2+3: Eat Fruit and Vegetables Every Day
- Learn more about tuberculosis (Web accessible version)
- Learn more about tuberculosis
- Let's prevent avian influenza together
- Prevention of Avian Influenza
- Prevent avian influenza. Always maintain good hygiene and eat safely
- Move for Health
- Five Keys to Food Safety
- Prohibition of commercial sale or supply of liquor to minors
- Prevention of Mosquito-borne Diseases
- Extension of statutory no-smoking areas at bus interchanges
- Follow three rules to eliminate rodents
- Hong Kong Code Protecting breastfeeding (Web accessible version)
- 5 Ways to Prevent Heat Stroke
- Hong Kong Code Protecting breastfeeding
- Using Elderly Health Care Voucher Wisely (web accessible version)
- Using Elderly Health Care Voucher Wisely
- "": Choose "Smart", Stay Sharp and Healthy
- My Family Doctor Walks with Me
- Prevention of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
- Give kids a healthy diet
- Eat Fruit Every Day Let's Be Joyful Healthy Fruit Lovers
- Young and Alcohol Free (Web accessible version)
- Breastfeeding: Let's give our children the best (Web-accessible version)
- Breastfeeding: Let's give our children the best
- Regulations on labels and package inserts of proprietary Chinese medicines
- Young and Alcohol Free
- Complications of Zika virus infection
- Check and maintain air-conditioners regularly
- 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Licences or permits are required for online sales of restricted food
- Say No to Cigarettes and Electronic Cigarettes
- Designation of the bus interchanges at 8 tunnel portal areas as no smoking areas
- Electronic Health Record Sharing System - Newborn
- Electronic Health Record Sharing System - Elderly
- Control of Import Eggs to Prevent Avian Influenza
- Be Careful When Buying Food Online Stay Aware of the Potential Risks
- Let's give our children the best Support sustained breastfeeding (Web accessible version)
- Let's give our children the best Support sustained breastfeeding
- Seasonal Influenza Vaccination
- Breastfeeding Friendly Community Let’s give our children the best (Web accessible version)
- Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Let’s give our children the best (Web accessible version)
- Prevention of dengue fever (subsequent infections)
- Breastfeeding Friendly Community Let’s give our children the best
- Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Let’s give our children the best
- Prevent Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
- Cancer screening
- Cancer prevention
- Help children feed themselves Offer a diverse diet to let them eat well (Web accessible version)
- Help children feed themselves Offer a diverse diet to let them eat well
- Anti-mosquito measures in winter
- Centralised Organ Donation Register
- Smart Cooking Brings Healthier Diet
- No-smoking areas boost public health (co-operation)
- Quit Smoking Now
- Let’s keep the pool safe and clean. Enjoy your swim!
- Think twice and get the details before deciding on beauty procedures
- Do the best thing for yourself: Quit smoking
- Do the best thing for family: Quit smoking
- Anti-mosquito measures (property management companies)
- Prevention of Influenza
- Safe use of drugs & health products (Accessible version)
- Safe use of drugs & health products
- Don't use medicinal products from dubious sources
- Keep Food at Safe Temperature - Get the Temperature Right
- Slash the Screen Time - Get Active
- Keep a healthy weight
- Central Obesity
- Proper use of contact lenses
- Healthy Rewards Make Healthy Kids Start Smart with Health
- Commencement of Food Safety Ordinance
- Protect yourself with a condom
- Enjoy a smoke-free environment
- Make Better Choice Use Nutrition Labels
- Safe Use of Antibiotics
- Smoking-ban in Open-air Public Transport Interchanges
- Turn and look for healthier food choices
- Rehab needs neighbourhood support
- Gum Health
- Regular Participation in Physical Activity
- Nutrition Labelling Scheme is Now in Effect
- Nutrition Labelling (1+7)
- Smoking Ban in Covered Public Transport Interchanges
- Fixed Penalty on Smoking Offences
- Prevent air-conditioners from dripping
- Prevention of Noroviral Gastroenteritis
- Smoking Cessation - Elderly Smokers
- Smoking Cessation - Female Smokers
- Care about Your Child's Mental Health (Boy)
- Care about Your Child's Mental Health (Girl)
- Support Organ Donation
- Follow three rules to eliminate rodents
- Love Your Teeth Start Flossing
- Safety tips on consuming shellfish
- "EatSmart" Dishes
- "EatSmart" Restaurants
- Thank you for supporting a smoke-free environment
- Guard against infections Always wash your hands
- Smoke-free Parks
- Prevent Heat Stroke
- Anti-mosquito measures (general public)
- Smoke-free Beaches
- Enjoy fruit daily
- Prevention of Animal Rabies
- Handle vegetables properly
- Exercise more
- Healthy Lunch
- Healthy Snacks
- A clean home is a healthy home
- Keep water in your drainage traps
- Prevent Avian Flu (Healthy Lifestyle)
- Prevent Avian Flu (Personal Hygiene)
- Prevent Streptococcus suis infection
- Enjoy Fruits and Vegetables Everyday (3)
- Enjoy Fruits and Vegetables Every Day (2)
- Enjoy Fruits and Vegetables Every Day (1)
- Keeping a Normal Body Weight
- Prevention of Japanese Encephalitis
- Prevent Avian Influenza (Good Hygiene)
- Prevention of Mosquito Bites
- Prevent Cholera
- Prevent Avian Influenza (Travel tips)
- Prevent Avian Influenza (Don't Touch Live Poultry)
- Prevent Dengue Fever
Home Safety and Building Management
- Don't remove structural walls illegally
- Window safety, Owner's responsibility
- Hey Hey Hey! FLAT CHECK right away!
- Regular Building Inspection Puts Your Mind at Ease
- Install Electric Water Heaters Properly Stay Safe Without Worries (Web-accessible version)
- Install Electric Water Heaters Properly Stay Safe Without Worries
- Safe Use of Lifts
- Manage the finances of your Owners' Corporation wisely!
- Hey Hey Hey Check Your Drainage Pipes Now
- Ensure the Safety of Your Electrical Installations
Conduct Periodic Inspection Every 5 Years (web accessible version) - Ensure the Safety of Your Electrical Installations
Conduct Periodic Inspection Every 5 Years - Use of Domestic Gas Appliances Bearing GU Mark
- Building (Minor Works) (Amendment) Regulation 2020 is now in effect
- Water Safety Plan Subsidy Scheme
- Little Things Matter, Be Careful When Riding Escalators
- Recognise Safety Requirements Make Smart Choices for Household Electrical Products (web accessible version)
- Recognise Safety Requirements Make Smart Choices for Household Electrical Products
- Put safety first when cleaning windows
- Employ Registered Electrical Contractor for Electrical Work
- Proper Use and Regular Inspection Ensure Window Safety
- Safe Use of Mildly Flammable Refrigerant Household Air Conditioners
- Proper Maintenance and Use of Household Electrical Appliances (Web accessible version)
- Proper Maintenance and Use of Household Electrical Appliances
- Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme
- Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System)
- Attend Owners' Corporation meetings for better building management
- Energy Saving for all - Major Retrofitting Works in Buildings
- Active participation in building management benefits all
- LPG Cylinder Distributor Safety Performance Recognition Scheme Providing safe and high quality services
- Co-operate with neighbours to stop water seepage
- For window inspections Check the QP card
- Display of building number
- Lift modernisation
- Check and repair properties regularly
- Lifts and Escalators Ordinance
- Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance
- Mandatory building and window inspection schemes
- Safety first Don’t carry out unauthorised building works
- Village houses without unauthorized building works put your mind at ease
- Minor Works Control System
- Use a safe gas water heater
- Safe Use of LPG Cylinder
- Registered Minor Works Contractors
- Safe use of cassette cooker
- Appoint Qualified Professionals for Building Maintenance
- Building Energy Efficiency Funding Schemes
- Safe Use of Electrical Appliances in Summer
- Private Building Maintenance Maintaining Common Parts - Every Property Owner's Responsibility
- Inspect and maintain electrical appliances
- Safety of Electric Water Heaters
- Beware of concealed gas pipes and electrical conduits
- Employ Registered Electrical Contractor for Electrical Work
- Look After Your Fixed Electrical Installations
- Periodic test for fixed electrical installations
- Regular Maintenance of Gas Service Risers
- Safe Use of Electrical Appliances in Winter
- Safe Use of Aerosol Products
- Inspect and Repair Electrical Installations Regularly
- Approved Gas Distributors
- Domestic Gas Safety
- Proper Use and Maintenance of Electrical Appliances
- Building Safety 2004
- Well-maintained Windows Keep Us Safe
Hong Kong SAR 25th Anniversary
- HKSAR 25th Anniversary celebration events
- HKSAR 25th Anniversary celebration events (web accessible version)
- Hong Kong SAR 25th Anniversary Theme Song “Heading Forward” (1-minute version)
- A New Era – Stability. Prosperity. Opportunity
- A New Era – Stability. Prosperity. Opportunity (web accessible version)
Hong Kong SAR 20th Anniversary
- Hong Kong SAR 20th Anniversary Theme Song “Hong Kong Our Home”
- Celebration Events for the Hong Kong SAR 20th Anniversary
- Together • Progress • Opportunity
- "Smart Silver" Digital Inclusion Programme for Elders (Web accessible version)
- "Smart Silver" Digital Inclusion Programme for Elders
- "iAM Smart" ‧ Easier registration, easier life
- Hong Kong International innovation and technology centre (Web accessible version)
- Hong Kong International innovation and technology centre
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (Renewal of Vehicle Licence version) (Web accessible version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (Renewal of Vehicle Licence version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (eTAX version) (Web accessible version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (eTAX version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (non-government services version) (Web accessible version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (non-government services version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (e-health version) (Web accessible version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform (e-health version)
- “iAM Smart” one-stop personalised digital service platform
- Take Precautions Against Cyber Attacks
- "GovHK Notifications" and "GovHK Apps" mobile applications
- GovWiFi (Security)
- GovWiFi (Introduction)
- GovHK (Services)
- GovHK (Information)
- Be a Smart Internet User
- No Fakes Pledge Scheme 2025
- Copyright Protection in the Digital Environment
- Original Grant Patent System
- IP Trading: Get Ahead in the New Era
- Intellectual Property Trading Services
- Support Creativity, Respect Copyright
- Intellectual Property Trading Services 2015
- Grasp the opportunity Develop IP trading
- Don't sell counterfeits and pirated goods over the Internet
- Respect creativity Stop Internet piracy
- Protect Intellectual Property Rights together
- Registered design protection in Hong Kong
- Differences between trademark registration and company registration
- Territorial limitation of IP protection
- Anti-camcording in cinema
- Reward Scheme to Combat Illegal Use of Software in Business
- No Illegal File-sharing
- Protect Intellectual Property Rights
- Don't Use Pirated Software
- Keep Away From Pirated Goods
Labour Relations, Employment and Occupational Safety
- Abolition of MPF offsetting arrangement
- Re-employment Allowance Pilot Scheme
- Pilot Rehabilitation Programme for Employees Injured at Work
- Protect employees' rights and safety Make prior work arrangements for poor weather conditions
- Complying with occupational safety and health legislation is a shared obligation for employers and employees
- Statutory Minimum Wage
- Taking work above ground lightly can put your life at risk
- Employers must check a job seeker's identity
- Don't Hire Illegal Workers
- Occupational Health Clinic Always working for your health!
- Building a harmonious relationship between employers and foreign domestic helpers
- Youth Employment and Training Programme
- Clear written employment contracts Protect both employers and employees
- Use suitable working platforms Work at height more safely
- Reducing Health Risks of Standing at Work
- Obey the law, Buy employees' compensation insurance
- Count on talent, not age, in employment
- Working Family Allowance Scheme
- Employment of Persons with Disabilities
- Clarify Your Employment Status
- Report of unsafe practices and working conditions at workplace
- Be a responsible employer, pay wages on time
- Be a responsible employer and report work accidents
- Employment Programme for the Elderly and Middle-aged
- Work-at-height Safety (Harnesses and safety helmets with chin straps)
- Retail has it all
- Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work in Hot Environment
- Social Welfare Care Services: Turn a New Page in Your Career
- Offer flexible arrangements Promote employment of mature persons
- Retail Has It All! (Prospects)
- Retail Has It All! (Diversity)
- Employers and helpers respect each other and observe obligations
- Beware of Employment Scams Be a Cautious Job Seeker
- Catering Safety
- Smart Baby Care Scheme
- Work-at-height Safety (2011)
- Employees’ Compensation Insurance protects employees and employers
- Skills Upgrading Scheme Plus
- Employees Retraining Scheme (Relaxation of eligibility criteria)
- Smart Living
- Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Occupational Safety and Health (Display Screen Equipment) Regulation
- Timely Reporting of Work Accidents
- Occupational Safety
- Occupational Health
- Employment Services (Skilled Jobs)
- Employment Services (Elementary Jobs)
- Safe Work in Building Renovation and Maintenance (Employers)
- Safe Work in Confined Spaces
- Partnership between Employers and Employees
- Keep your cool on the road - Stay Alert, Stay Alive - Pedestrian Safety (Web accessible version)
- Keep your cool on the road - Stay Alert, Stay Alive - Pedestrian Safety
- The New Territories Cycle Track Network - Enjoy Cycling Safety First
- Be a Responsible Driver
- Stay cautious on steep roads and high speed roads
- Be a Responsible Road User
- Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (30-second version)
- Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (1-minute version)
- Offer Help and Be Patient Transport for All
- Be attentive to road works Stay alert while driving
- Renewal of 10-year driving licence
- Follow the Rules Reduce Traffic Jams
- Offering priority seats to needy
- Driving attentively and pedestrians’ attentive use of roads (Web accessible version)
- Driving attentively and pedestrians’ attentive use of roads
- Bus Route Rationalisation
- When cycling Put safety first
- Driving after taking medicinal drugs
- Driving after taking illicit drugs
- Don't Use Hand-held Mobile Phones While Driving
- Elderly Pedestrian Safety
- If you drink, don't drive!
- Give Way to Emergency Vehicles
- Be a true Master of the road (2)
- Safe Cycling
- Pay attention Cross the road with care
- Franchised bus service rationalisation
- Drive smart with courtesy
- Road Safety Symbol and Vision
- Obey traffic lights
- Smart Driving
- Route and Exit Numbers for Drivers
- Wear Seat Belt on Public Light Buses
- Everyone's responsibility (3)
- Everyone's responsibility (2)
- Everyone's responsibility (1)
- Be a true Master of the road
- Volunteering - Make a Difference in Life (web accessible version)
- Volunteering - Make a Difference in Life
- Volunteering - New Attitude to Life (2013)
- Volunteering - New Attitude to Life (2011)
- Maintain Your Slopes, Secure Your Home
- Light Public Housing (LPH) Phase 2 Application and Trial Scheme on Special Allowance for Households of LPH
- Strive and Rise Programme
- Seize the time to replace ID card and avoid invalidation
- Kai Tak Sports Park
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Mar 2025) - Hong Kong Super March
- Light Public Housing Phase 2 Application (Priority handling)
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Feb 2025)
- 2025 National Games
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Jan 2025)
- Care Teams Consolidating Resources Caring for the Community
- Consolidating Resources Caring for the Community
- HKIA Three-runway System - Driving Hong Kong's success and soaring towards a bright future (Web accessible version)
- HKIA Three-runway System - Driving Hong Kong's success and soaring towards a bright future
- Driving Hong Kong's development with new transport infrastructure (Web accessible version)
- Driving Hong Kong's development with new transport infrastructure
- Support Social Enterprises Every Day
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Dec 2024)
- Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth Phase 8
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Nov 2024)
- The Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address (strive to develop a low-altitude economy)
- The Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address (reinforce and enhance Hong Kong’s status as international financial centre)
- Clear mind, safe seas. Drink and drug boating are criminal offences.
- The Chief Executive's 2024 Policy Address
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Oct 2024)
- Use the $2 Scheme lawfully
- Proper ways to use the $2 Scheme
- New promotional logo to publicise Government-funded projects
- Contributing to the new chapter of the Belt and Road Initiative
- 1st October Movie Fiesta: Half Price Spectacular
- Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China (Web accessible version)
- Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Sep 2024)
- Invite global talents to settle in Hong Kong (6)
- Invite global talents to settle in Hong Kong (5)
- Invite global talents to settle in Hong Kong (4)
- Invite global talents to settle in Hong Kong (3)
- Invite global talents to settle in Hong Kong (2)
- Invite global talents to settle in Hong Kong (1)
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Aug 2024)
- 2024 Voter Registration Campaign (Check voter registration particulars) (web accessible version)
- 2024 Voter Registration Campaign (Check voter registration particulars)
- Strive and Rise Programme (Web accessible version)
- 2024 Policy Address Public Consultation
- Youth Hostel Scheme
- Pilot Programme on Community Living Room
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Jul 2024)
- Second year work of the current-term Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (Web accessible version)
- Second year work of the current-term Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
- Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above must use JoyYou Card to enjoy $2 Scheme from August 25, 2024 (Web accessible version)
- Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above must use JoyYou Card to enjoy $2 Scheme from August 25, 2024
- Watch the Olympics and Paralympics for Free. Cheer for the Athletes! (Web accessible version)
- Watch the Olympics and Paralympics for Free. Cheer for the Athletes!
- No water sports during inclement weather
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (Jun 2024)
- Landslides are deadly
- Report overcharging for water Keep receipts to make things clear
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (May 2024)
- Let's support social enterprises and help them bloom!
- 2024 Voter Registration Campaign (Voter registration and update voter registration particulars) (web accessible version)
- 2024 Voter Registration Campaign (Voter registration and update voter registration particulars)
- Asia's Events Capital, Hong Kong (April 2024)
- Stay away from gambling. Don’t bet your life on it
- Apply for Legal Burial Save the Next Generation from Hassles
- HKSOS guards your journey all the way
- Licence Must be Obtained for Running Guesthouse
- The 9th Hong Kong Games (Inter-district Sports Competition)
- ART MARCH 2024
- Save water today for a sustainable future
- HKeToll rolls out at all government tolled tunnels
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents (including eligible persons with disabilities) aged 60 or above (Web accessible version)
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents (including eligible persons with disabilities) aged 60 or above
- Safety first and obey the law when attending major events at sea (Web accessible version)
- Safety first and obey the law when attending major events at sea
- Road harbour crossings have implemented time-varying tolls
- Reminding NBPS Registered Electors to Cast Votes for 2023 DCOE
- 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (Secrecy of Votes and Use of Electronic Communication Devices)
- 1210 Cast your vote at DC election
- Arrangements of Near Boundary Polling Stations
- SmartPLAY, smart way, it’s just a click away (2)
- 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (Polling Procedures) (All poll cards have been mailed)
- 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (Polling Procedures) (web accessible version)
- 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (Polling Day) (Web accessible version)
- 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (Polling Day)
- Cast your vote at DC election on 10 December for a better community (Polling day)
- The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address
- SmartPLAY, smart way, it’s just a click away (1)
- 1210 Cast your vote at DC election for a better community
- Kau Yi Chau.Islands of the Future – Huge economic benefits
- The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address (Collection of Copies)
- youthfest@HK
- 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (Nomination Period)
- Care the Carers Campaign (Web accessible version)
- Care the Carers Campaign
- Hong Kong's full participation in and contribution to the Belt and Road Initiative (2)
- Steer clear of squally thunderstorms Check weather forecasts and warnings
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1938 or before)
- 2023 Voter Registration Campaign (Check voter registration particulars) (web accessible version)
- 2023 Voter Registration Campaign (Check voter registration particulars)
- 2023 Policy Address Public Consultation
- Kau Yi Chau.Islands of the Future – Easy access to everywhere
- 2nd instalment consumption vouchers to be disbursed from July 16
- Beware of the risks of buying properties outside Hong Kong
- First year work of the current-term Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (Web accessible version)
- First year work of the current-term Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1939-1942)
- 2023 Consumption Voucher Scheme Second Instalment – register from June 5 to 27
- Check Before You Buy a First-hand Residential Property
- Improve District Administration Build a Better Community - Our Vision
- Kau Yi Chau.Islands of the Future – A more spacious and better living environment
- Improve District Administration, Build a Better Community
- 2023 Voter Registration Campaign (Voter registration and update voter registration particulars) (web accessible version)
- 2023 Voter Registration Campaign (Voter registration and update voter registration particulars)
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1943 - 1945)
- Happy Hong Kong (Web accessible version)
- Happy Hong Kong
- Don't Overcharge for Water Apply Now to Install Meters
- National Security Foundation of Stability and Prosperity
- The Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Registration Regime
- Hire Endorsed Pleasure Vessels and Take Approved Kaito Ferries
- Hire Endorsed Pleasure Vessels and Take Approved Kaito Ferries (Web accessible version)
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise has come to an end
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1946 - 1947)
- Hong Kong welcomes all talents to create a better future (2)
- Regulated Tenancies of Subdivided Units - To Know the Rights & Responsibilities
- Anti-money laundering and Counter-Terrorist Ordinance
- Final Replacement Stage Don’t Miss Your Last Chance
- Hong Kong welcomes all talents to create a better future (1)
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1948-1949)
- Youth Development Blueprint Inspire Our Youths Brighten Our Future
- Final Stage of The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise
- Real-name Registration for SIM Cards (2)
- Real-name Registration for SIM Cards (2) (web accessible version)
- Public Consultation on Strategic Studies on Railways and Major Roads Beyond 2030
- Fly Unmanned Aircraft Safely
- Embrace the spirit of the 20th National Congress Foster the development of our country and Hong Kong
- 2022 Legislative Council Election Committee constituency by-election (voting)
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1950)
- Quit gambling for a sure win!
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1951)
- 2022 Legislative Council Election Committee constituency by-election (nomination period)
- The Chief Executive's 2022 Policy Address
- The Chief Executive's 2022 Policy Address (Collection of Copies)
- Enjoy the Rivers Beware of the Floods
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1954 or before, 1996 to 2000)
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1952)
- Travel Characteristics Survey 2022
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1953)
- Phase II consumption vouchers to be disbursed by instalments from August 7
- Contactless e-Channel ‧ Leading a new way to future
- 2022 Voter Registration Campaign (Check registration particulars)
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1954)
- 2022 Policy Address Public Consultation
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1954 or before, 1992 to 1995)
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1955)
- Capacity Building Mileage Programme (2022)
- 2022 (Phase II) Consumption Voucher Scheme registration starts from June 23
- Hong Kong National Security Law – From order to prosperity
- Fly Unmanned Aircraft Safely
- JoyYou Card applications for Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above (1956)
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1954 or before, 1983, 84, 87 to 91)
- 2022 Voter Registration Campaign (Voter registration and update voter registration particulars)
- National Security Education Day 2022
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1983, 1984, 1987 or 1988)
- The new law to regulate tenancies of subdivided units
- Lowering Eligible Age of the $2 Scheme to 60 (Turning 60 in three months)
- 2021 LCGE - Casting your vote for Hong Kong
- Lowering Eligible Age of the $2 Scheme to 60 (year 1961)
- Reporting Child Abuse is Everyone's Responsibility (Web accessible version)
- Reporting Child Abuse is Everyone's Responsibility
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1980 to 1982)
- 2021 Legislative Council General Election (Polling Procedures)
- 2021 Legislative Council General Election (Polling Day)
- Lowering Eligible Age of the $2 Scheme to 60 (year 1960)
- Hong Kong National Security Law – From chaos to order
- 2021 Legislative Council General Election (Nomination Period)
- The Chief Executive's 2021 Policy Address
- Lowering Eligible Age of the $2 Scheme to 60 (year 1959)
- The Chief Executive’s 2021 Policy Address (Collection of Copies)
- 2021 Voter Registration Campaign – Check registration particulars for geographical and functional constituencies
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1977 to 1979)
- Lowering Eligible Age of the $2 Scheme to 60 (year 1958)
- Enhancement measures in electoral arrangement
- 2021 Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections (Polling Procedures)
- 2021 Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections
- Spending Together Boosting the Economy: Use Consumption Vouchers at local merchants
- 2021 Election Committee Sub-sector Ordinary Elections (Nomination Period)
- Lowering Eligible Age of the $2 Scheme to 60 (year 1957)
- Spending Together Boosting the Economy: Consumption Voucher Scheme registration closes on August 14
- 2021 Population Census - Verify Census Officers' Identity
- Lowering Eligible Age of the $2 Scheme to 60 (generic)
- 2021 Policy Address Public Consultation (Web accessible version)
- 2021 Policy Address Public Consultation
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 2005 to 2007 or 2012 to 2018)
- 2021 Population Census - Questionnaire Submission
- Spending Together Boosting the Economy: Consumption Voucher Scheme registration starts from July 4
- Embrace an inclusive society
- 2021 Special Voter Registration Arrangement
- Be safety-conscious when enjoying water sports
- Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring Programme
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1973-76, 2005-07 or 2012-18)
- 2021 Voter Registration Campaign – Register as an elector
- 2021 Population Census: Provide Data for Hong Kong's Future
- Small levy, big protection
- Community Care Fund's living subsidy 2021 (4-or-more-person households)
- During and after inclement weather, keep away from trees
- Community Care Fund's living subsidy 2021 (3-person households)
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1970 to 1976)
- 2021 Voter Registration Campaign – Update voter registration particulars
- Community Care Fund's living subsidy 2021 (2-person households)
- Greater Bay Area business, great opportunities (Web accessible version)
- Greater Bay Area business, great opportunities
- Greater Bay Area living, great choices
- Community Care Fund's living subsidy 2021 (1-person households)
- Build a Barrier-free Society
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1962 or 1963)
- 2020 Policy Address Public Consultation (Web accessible version)
- 2020 Policy Address Public Consultation
- 2020 Legislative Council General Election (Nomination period)
- Tips for purchasing private niches
- CE's remarks on national security legislation in Hong Kong
- Legislation on national security in Hong Kong
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1957 to 1961)
- Upholding national security
- #StrongerTogetherHK - Thank you, for fighting the virus together
- Stop Violence Think of the Consequences (Web accessible version)
- Stop Violence Think of the Consequences
- Have Faith, Together We Fight the Virus
- DON'T BORROW if you can't repay!
- Minimising Flood Risk
- Keeping a pet is a lifetime decision
- All are equal before the law (Web accessible version)
- All are equal before the law
- Work with financial institutions
Support international tax co-operation - Commission on Children - Caring for Our Kids
- Stop violence Think rationally (Web accessible version)
- Stop violence Think rationally
- Support the Jury System. Let Justice Be Served (Web accessible version)
- Support the Jury System. Let Justice Be Served
- Check the facts to keep fake news in check (Web accessible version)
- Check the facts to keep fake news in check
- Stay vigilant against storm surge Keep safe
- Companies Registry's e-Registry serves you anytime and anywhere
- Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of The People's Republic of China
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1955 or 1956)
- Treasure Hong Kong, our home (II) (Web accessible version)
- Treasure Hong Kong, our home (II)
- Treasure Hong Kong, our home (I) (1-minute version) (Web accessible version)
- Treasure Hong Kong, our home (I) (1-minute version)
- Treasure Hong Kong, our home (I) (30-second version)
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1964 or 1965)
- Property Alert : Protects your property
- The Next Generation Electronic Passport
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1966 or 1967)
- Beware of the touting activities of recovery agents (2019) (Web accessible version)
- Beware of the touting activities of recovery agents (2019)
- Safer Slope, Safer Living
- Buying and selling illicit cigarettes is illegal
- Keep Drains Clear
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1968 or 1969)
- SME Export Marketing Fund (Web accessible version)
- SME Export Marketing Fund
- Green Burial Central Register
- Beware of Money Lending Scams (Web accessible version)
- Beware of Money Lending Scams
- Dementia Friendly Community Campaign (Web accessible version)
- Dementia Friendly Community Campaign
- The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise (Born in 1985 or 1986)
- Stay vigilant against London Gold-related scams (Web accessible version)
- Stay vigilant against London Gold-related scams
- Properly parking privately-owned or automated rental bicycles
- New Smart Identity Card
- Observe order and stay safe in crowded situations
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development (Youth Version)
- Avoid Wax-burning, Littering and Flying Sky Lanterns during Mid-Autumn Festival (web accessible version)
- Avoid Wax-burning, Littering and Flying Sky Lanterns during Mid-Autumn Festival
- Keep Your Sign Join Signboard Validation Scheme
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development (General Public)
- Live life to the fullest! (Web accessible version)
- Cross-boundary Movement of Physical Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments Ordinance
- Live life to the fullest!
- Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link - Connecting Hearts (Web accessible version)
- Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link - Connecting Hearts
- Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link - Inspiring Generations
- Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link - Broadening Horizons
- Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Mechanics 2018
- Consider the Perspectives and Needs of Both Genders
- Capacity Building Mileage Programme (2018)
- Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong XRL - Better connections, unleash endless potential
- Financial Dispute Resolution Centre
- Quality Migrant Admission Scheme - Seize the opportunity to create a bright future
- Co-location of ashes in public niches
- Concession scheme for "Smart Tender"
- Youth Square “Live Life to the Full‧Achieve the Unachievable”
- Private Columbaria Ordinance
- Sustainable Lantau Blueprint
- Choose travel insurance with adequate coverage. Make your trip wonderful!
- Your Staycation Your Harbourfront
- Fly responsibly Fly safely
- Your Family Care Can Enrich a Child's Life (Web accessible version)
- Don't pay financial intermediaries if you borrow from a money lender (Web accessible version)
- Your Family Care Can Enrich a Child's Life
- Landslide Self-help Tips
- M Mark System
- Enhanced regulations on animal trading to protect animal welfare
- Consider different perspectives Take a positive view (Web accessible version)
- Museum experience is free but precious
- Consider different perspectives Take a positive view
- Neighbourhood Support and Care for the Elderly (Web accessible version)
- Follow smart and healthy drinking water habits
- Don't pay financial intermediaries if you borrow from a money lender
- Planning and Land Development (2)
- Planning and Land Development (1)
- Free Admission to LCSD Museums
- Support Guide Dog Services to Build an Inclusive Society
- Hong Kong's mega transport infrastructure projects
- Government Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities
- Neighbourhood Support and Care for the Elderly
- Think twice before prepaying
- Stay alert to traps by financial intermediaries (Web accessible version)
- Youth Square
- Stay alert to traps by financial intermediaries
- Choose green burial Return to nature
- Trees need your love and care
- Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance Workshops Choose a registered workshop to ensure reliable vehicle maintenance
- Appreciate Hong Kong
- Life Buddies (Mentees)
- Life Buddies (Mentors)
- Life Buddies (Buddies)
- Typhoons cause swells For your safety Stay away from shore
- Be alert to thunderstorm threat
- No unauthorised structures
- Think Before Signing Smart First-hand Home Buying
- North East NT New Development Areas (Director of Lands)
- Never Discharge Wastewater into a Rainwater System
- Personal Safety during Typhoons
- Emergency Preparedness for Landslide Disasters
- “Let's Save 10L Water” Campaign
- Mediate First for a Win-Win Solution
- Learn with Ease Live Life to the Fullest
- The new Companies Ordinance facilitates business
- Stay at licensed guesthouses Enjoy safe travel
- Let's Support Government Statistical Surveys
- Equal Opportunities for People of Different Sexual Orientation and Transgenders
- Be cautious when purchasing columbarium niches
- Support Children's Development
- Trade Descriptions Ordinance - Wrongly accepting payment
- Trade Descriptions Ordinance - Bait advertising & Bait and switch
- Trade Descriptions Ordinance - Misleading omissions & Aggressive commercial practices
- Trade Descriptions Ordinance - False trade descriptions of services or goods
- Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance
- Green burial
- Maritime Safety
- Stop and think seriously before getting a pet
- North East NT New Development Areas (Father & Daughter Version)
- Licensing requirement for money service business
- North East NT New Development Areas (Mother & Son Version)
- Say No to Pyramid Scams
- Youth Programme
- Government Archives (2012)
- Water Sport Safety (2012)
- Radiation: It’s all around us and part of life
- New law against money laundering
- Stay away from watercourses when a Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force
- Gambling addiction can make you lose everything
- Daya Bay Contingency Plan
- Registration of Outbound Travel Information
- eElderly
- Build a Caring Network Energise the Community
- Book Appointments to Apply for Documents
- Transform Tomorrow Today
- Stay Away From Watercourses
- Road Cargo System - Full Implementation
- Build Up Training Programme
- Free Legal Advice Scheme
- Give Rehabilitated Offenders A Chance
- Tree Management
- Electronic Company Registration Service
- Compliance with Maintenance Obligations
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article 9 - Accessibility
- Dog Licensing and Microchipping (2010)
- Dropping objects from a height is no game
- Save Water, Take Shorter Showers
- Weights and Measures Ordinance
- Anti-illicit Cigarettes
- Responsible Pet Ownership
- Stay Safe Go for Guesthouses with a Logo
- Levy of outbound tours
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2)
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (1)
- Illegal Dumping of Construction Waste on Slopes
- Control of Use of Pyrotechnics
- Trade Descriptions (Amendment) Ordinance 2008
- Do Not Gamble
- Beware of the touting activities of recovery agents
- Be considerate Park your bicycles properly
- Mutual Support in the Neighbourhood
- Report animal cruelty
- eTAX
- Inspect and maintain plumbing regularly
- Let's build a barrier-free city together
- Keep watch for Pre-No.8 Announcements, release employees in stages
- Say no to copyright pirates
- Quality Seawater Assurance Scheme
- Tropical Cyclone Warning System 2007
- Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Mechanics
- Welfare cheats are liable to prosecution
- Sexual abuse -- seek professional assistance
- Water Sports Safety
- Adoption of new security measures at HKIA
- Cruelty to Animals Carries Penalties
- Bamboo Scaffolds
- Think twice before you adopt a pet
- Keep Drains Clear
- Slope maintenance
- Keep away from slopes & watch for the landslip warning
- Red and Green Channel System
- In a Crowd Stay Calm
- Don't gamble your life away
- Save Water
- International Human Rights Covenants
- Automatic Passenger & Vehicle Clearance
- Landlord and Tenant Ordinance 2004